Time to get school-ready!

Time to get school-ready!

With only two weeks to go, are your kids ready for school? If you haven’t gone shoe-shopping with your kids already, here are a few tips on choosing the right school shoes!


Tip 1: firm heel counter

The back of the shoe, or the heel counter, should be padded and firm at the same time. To test if the heel counter is firm enough, give it a gentle push from behind. If it presses down completely, that means it’s too soft. It won’t be able to support the heel properly and provide the support it needs.


Tip 2: firm sole

The sole of the shoe should have minimal torsion, meaning when you hold the shoe and give it a good twist, there shouldn’t be too much give. If the shoe can be easily twisted and bent, your kid’s feet will be able to twist and bend in the shoes as well! The only place a shoe should ever bend is at the forefoot area where the toes bend.


Tip 3: never too big or too small

Generally, we have a habit of going a size too big for kids shoes, thinking they will easily outgrow them. While kids do change shoe size rapidly, loose-fitting shoes can cause all sorts of problems. The extra room will make the foot slide inside the shoe, causing painful corns. It will also make the shoes less supportive as they are not able to wrap around the feet properly, making your kids more prone to injuries. Shoes that are too small, on the other hand, can cause cramping of the toes, leading to claw toes, hammer toes, and corns. It may also affect the normal growth of growing feet.


Tip 4: go shoe-shopping in the afternoon

There may be some mild swelling when the feet are warmed up. Going shoe-shopping in the afternoon will ensure that the shoe size your kids get has room to tolerate for the slight changes in their feet.


Tip 5: bring the orthotics along

This is more for those that use orthotics in their shoes. It is always a good idea to bring the orthotics along and actually try them in the shoes. This way you can be sure that the orthotics do fit in the shoes!


Tip 6: address any ongoing issues

This is not entirely related to choosing shoes, but if your kids have complained about foot pain, ankle pain, knee or hip pain before, it is best to address those issues before school starts. Prevention is the key!


We hope these tips help. If you are unsure about the school shoes your kids have, or would like to have your kids’ feet checked before the school year, let us give you a hand!


To make an appointment,

☎ CALL 6361 1205 or,


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